Play YouTube Videos Offline for Selected Countries

Thursday, December 11, 20140 comments

Play YouTube Videos Offline for Selected Countries - Geeky Juan
Good news for us residents of the Philippines! According to an announcement made by Google, YouTube videos can now be played offline but with a catch. This feature is only available on Android devices in selected countries namely, India, Indonesia and in the Philippines!

Though some countries in Asia is included among the list with highest internet speed in the world, there are still more countries that lacks that kind of internet connection which now lead to this astounding announcement and update made by Google.

According to the announcement, YouTube app will now have an offline icon that needs to be tapped in order to save the video to the phone's cached memory. A limit is also given as stated, that the cached video can only be played 48 hours prior to the time it was downloaded and an option to choose what quality of the video will be taken.

On the uploader's end, there will be an option for them to decide if they would allow viewers to download their videos to be viewed offline.

Unfortunately, there are no other announcement as to the implementation of this feature in other parts of the globe. But as quoted from the speaker, "YouTube offline is just a start".

Google being the search engine giant is sure to bring more updates soon! So stay tuned for more announcements!

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