Michael Moores American Snacker Set To Hit The Big Screens in May

Thursday, January 29, 20150 comments

Michael Moores American Snacker
Hollywood, CA (satireworld.com)

Michael Moores Hollywood production of American Snacker has finished production and is headed for the big screen in a theater near you sometime in May, said studio executive Morris Freeman. Freeman admits its the lefts answer to the popular but controversial Clint Eastwood movie American Sniper that many feel is a true contender for an Oscar award, but has been the source of rabid criticism from liberals and their supporters.

Freeman noted the record amount of money the Eastwood film has generated and felt a war-themed liberal version would do nicely and generate a tidy sum for investors and his own studio. The last liberal war movie was made back in 1985 starred Richard Simmons and Rosie ODonnell which never made a profit and the genre soon lost support in the liberal bastion of Hollywood film makers.
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