Review - Cheap Domains in Philippines

Saturday, August 23, 20140 comments

Geeky Juan - World Wide Web
Ever since I came to the blogosphere, I always wanted to own a top-level domain. From a reader's point of view, one who has a top-level domain (TLD) is a website that could be trusted. Of course, not all of them could be trusted but still, it has a catch on a target's eye. Somewhat like the lowest form of hypnotism.

Since the Philippines are just adjusting to the scene of technology, getting a Top-Level Domain is hard to achieve during that time. Back on the days, a Top-Level Domain will be costly and there are no third-parties that will deliver it to you. Unless you have a Credit Line so you could order for it overseas. The scene was tragic.

Until such time that a new player came to the scene which is, according to their About Page is an expansion in the Philippines of a successful domain registrar in Japan which operates under GMO CLOUD Pte. Ltd. serves its clients through the following:
  • Domain Registration
  • Web Hosting
  • Domain Forwarding

SERVICE -My experience with went well, I think. The first time I ordered, it was already active when I went home to check it. So I was definitely glad by that first transaction. But during the second order is where the complication occurred. As I recalled it, the activation of the domain I bought was delayed by a day and since it was believed that Pangalan staff were operating here in the Philippines, as it reach 6PM or 7PM, customer service could no longer give a response, and for a semi-nocturnal individual, I find that irritating since I do most of my tasks at night and I couldn't get a hold to a Pangalan personnel.

Setting that issue aside, everything went well the next day so it was still all good! As long as it's morning to afternoon, their staff will attend to all your needs regarding everything you ask for immediately. (As long as it's about Domains and Hosting I presume)

SECURITY � Since is on its way on hitting the spotlight, I believe this is of importance. There was just this one account when it seems that their server went down leaving all transactions hanging as they fix the said issue. Other than that, my other concern for security is about the password. For security reasons, a service should never e-mail your password to you without any form of encryption which this time was different from what we�ve experienced with Pangalan. They e-mailed our password in plain text making it visible if ever we were unknowingly hacked.

PROMOS - The thing I'm always so eager to check about was this promo of As I observed, they do not always post it on their social media accounts or spam your mailbox with this promos. But every time I check it, there's always one available! Last time I checked was a ".COM" for only Php. 199.00! While other TLDs were at Php.300.00.

I find this amazing! They always have half the cost of those I see from different domain seller. But now from what I saw, they are focusing on hosting promos lately.

If you'd like to check, visit their promo page at:

MODE OF PAYMENT - Another thing I liked about is their mode of payment. Unlike other Domain and Hosting re-sellers, they also partnered with other remittance companies. Plus there are no service charge included when I paid my invoice, so what you see at your bill will be the exact same amount you�ll have to pay!

LIKES: Mode of payment was easy, a lot of promos are always available, friendly and attentive customer service.
DISLIKES: No available nocturnal support and e-mailing of password as plain text issue.

Technically, we'd be observing a few more since we haven't even experience renewing a domain with them. But if all goes well, then they would definitely have us as their regular customers.

So far, these are what we consider most before acquiring a domain name in our country. How about you? Do you plan on having a TLD? Or perhaps you have your own experiences with Feel free to share your thoughts with us.
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