Television MIND-SET - 8 Things that parents should know

Thursday, July 24, 20140 comments

    As parents we always want what's best for our children. One reason is because we don't want them to grow as irresponsible children.

    There are many things that we as parents can do for them especially in terms on watching Television. Watching TV can lead our children from copying or imitating whatever they had seen on the television.

    That is why when they are watching TV, we as Parents should always be there to guide them.

    But of course, you can also set some limitations.

    Below are some of the useful tips that might help your child/children monitor their TELEVISION HABIT. Every child has a different learning style and technique appropriate to their behavior.

    8 Things that Parents should know

    1.  SET LIMITS - Limit your child's use of TV, movies, and video and computer games to no more than one or two hours per day. Do not let your child watch TV while doing homework.

    2. PLAN YOUR CHILD'S VIEWING - Instead of flipping through channels, use a program guide and the TV ratings to help you and your child choose shows. Turn the TV on to watch the program you choose and turn it off when the program is over.

    3. WATCH TV WITH YOUR CHILD WHENEVER POSSIBLE - Explain the character on TV are make-believe and not real. Some "reality based" programs may appear to be "real", but most of these show' focus content is not appropriate for children.

    4. FIND THE RIGHT MESSAGE - Talk with your child about the real - life roles of women, senior citizens, and people of other races that may not be shown on television. Help your child learn tolerance and respect for others.

    5. HELP YOUR CHILD RESIST COMMERCIALS - Don't expect your child to be able to resist ads for toys, candy, snacks, cereals, drinks, or new TV programs without your help.  When your child ask for products advertised on TV, explain that the purpose of the commercials is to make people want things they not need.

    6. LOOK FOR QUALITY CHILDREN'S VIDEOS - There are many quality videos available for children that you can buy or rent.

    7. GIVE OTHER OPTIONS -  Watching TV can become a habit for children. Help your children find other things to do with their time, such as playing; reading, participating in activities with family, friends, or neighbors; Learning a hobby, sport, instrument, or an art.

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