Creating New Android Activity in Eclipse

Tuesday, June 17, 20140 comments

After a few turns, a team together with me is now currently in the process of developing an Android Application. To make it a bit more accurate, the application is an M-Learning application though the field where it would focus will be kept secret as of now.

Upon studying, we encountered something that we deemed useful for some aspiring Android Application Developers and this is about creating New Activities. We're currently exploring the environment since this is practically a new field for us to study though the need to share is inevitable. So to list what might have caught your attention. Here is a simple way on creating a new activity in Eclipse for an Android Application.

1. In the Package Explorer, double click "AndroidManifest.xml"
2. In the Manifest Editor, click on the "Application" tab
3. Scroll it down 'til you reach "Application Nodes"
4. Click on "Add"
5. Select the radio button "Create a new element at the top level, in Application"

From there, you'll be able to create the new activity by selecting and hitting on the "OK" button. Though it will not end there for you shall set the "Attributes of the Activity" beside the Application Nodes section. After filling all the necessary fields, you should be able to see the new activity you have just created on the Package Explorer.

To make it a lot easier, here's a visual.

Geeky Juan - New Android Activity

Hope this could be of any help!
'Til the next time!
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