Game Klip Controller Reviews

Monday, January 13, 20140 comments

Mobile phones nowadays is not just solely for texting and calling, today's smart phones are also becoming a gaming powerhouses. It is now possible for mobile phones to be a gaming powerhouse because of some reasons, first is the RAM availability. More smart phones nowadays are already equipped with high memory. Memory of course is important because the more RAM available, the faster games will run and of course we need also to take into consideration the Processor and GPU, the type of graphics processing unit (GPU) built in to the processor has a massive influence on the number of frames per second games will run at.
 This are just some of the features of smart phones today. But the thing is when you keep on using your phones in playing games there might be a tendency that the palm of your finger will become more and more thinner using the touch screen feature of your mobile phone.

Now here comes Game Klip controller, The GameKlip attaches your phone to a real full sized controller for a full mobile gaming experience. Literally of course in using Game Klip controller you have attached your phone on it then your good to play.

Watch this video for some reviews about Game Klip controller works.

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