White Trash Mudsharking Welfare Breeder Marie Buchan pumps out 8 Zebra Babies and gets (3015.57 US Dollar) a month

Thursday, January 29, 20151comments

 Marie Buchan

  • Marie Buchan is a single mother of eight living in Selly Oak in Birmingham 

  • She currently receives benefits of �26,000 a year to care for her family 

  • But under proposals handouts for Miss Buchan will be capped at �23,000 

  • She claims the new cap will leave her young family struggling to survive 

  • Miss Buchan said the benefits cap is forcing her to get a job for first time

A single whore mother of eight who receives benefits of 2,000 a month claims she is being forced to find her first job because of the new cap on welfare handouts. 

Marie Buchan, of Selly Oak in Birmingham, receives benefits of 26,000 a year but claims the decision to cap handouts at 23,000 will leave her and her young family struggling to survive. 

The 33-year-old fears the cap will leave many families in financial difficulty and could cause similar problems to the bedroom tax. 

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May 5, 2018 at 5:40 PM

Hahahahahahahaha. Britain is cucked beyond belief. Love it mate, love it. Keep poppin' out those brillo haired creatures more and more, I feel a karmic retribution for the Empire. :))

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