Doodle 4 Google Contest for Filipino Students

Monday, July 14, 20140 comments

Geeky Juan - Doodle
Ever since Google settle a place here in the Philippines, many are wondering if there will be any available spot to be with the internet's most known Search Engine. This is most identifiable since the term Google was now finally listed as a verb which means to search the internet or Google itself.

Upon browsing this July 14, 2014 as I open Google's default page in my unit, I noticed a simple message that was added. As I took the opportunity to have a glance and find out the details behind the call of Google for young artists, here's what I found.

What: Doodle 4 Google
Theme: What Can I do for the Philippines?
When: September 19, 2014 (Closing date for receiving entries)
To Whom: Students age 5 - 17 years old
How to Submit: Through Google 4 Doodle Form or Postal Mail

Finally! A way to have your work be part of the most visited website! But, what exactly are Doodles?

According to Wikipedia, Doodles are drawings done unconsciously or unfocused. But as it became a trend and a business opportunity for others, I believed that unfocused could finally be crossed out. Normally, doodlers make their doodles on notebooks or any paper they could hold. Either that paper has a lot of content or just plain blank, doodles could be found everywhere. In some cases, other doodlers even designed their rooms to be filled with their art while some enthusiasts obviously just hire someone to do it for them.

To join Doodle 4 Google, you must download first the template and print it out. After doing so, you could then submit your work to Google either via the Google 4 Doodle form or through postal mail. Just remember to have it signed by your guardian or parents before submitting your entry, or just fill-in all the blanks in that template.

According to the overview, the winning entries will have their doodle presented at Google Philippine's homepage together with other prizes plus a connectivity grant for the overall winner's school or learning center.

For judging, Google will do the elimination part then the public will cast their votes to have a final say for the winners but for the overall winner, Google's Doodler will be the one to choose who it will be.

Find out more about the contest at the Google 4 Doodle page!

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